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SureCloud stays a head of the Game with Cloud based Penetration Test Management

SureCloud stays a head of the Game with Cloud based Penetration Test Management
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1 Oct 2024

SureCloud stays a head of the Game with Cloud based Penetration Test Management


SureCloud’s Cloud based Pen Test Management Module stays years ahead of the competition, offering real-time delivery of Penetration Test Management and Reporting.

SureCloud’s easy-to-use interfaces provide an intuitive way to manage all forms of penetration test, in real-time, via an online platform. Test teams benefit from a framework that supports collaborative working, and knowledge capture and sharing – e.g. to support real-time QA, or to harmoniously deploy multiple test specialists on a single test project. Furthermore, the Pen Test Management module is designed to streamline the analysis and reporting phase of a penetration test – drastically reducing the costs associated with manual testing, which can be passed on as savings to customers. Rich Media functionality, including image slideshows and screen capture videos, gives end-users visual clarity on how to exploit vulnerabilities, and the impact each has on an organisation’s network or application.

While other competitors are coming round to the fact that software-as-a-service delivery offers far better functionality and capability; as well as radical cost-savings to customers, SureCloud’s in-house innovation team has spent the past four years refining and developing its online security platform.

“New solutions are coming to the market,” says Mark Lascelles, Head of Product Development, “But many are being designed from scratch or from their existing software package solutions, rather than building on the leading software-as-a-service designs available in the market. As such, they have yet to go through a product maturity process to best meet customer needs.”

The centralised Pen Test Management module consolidates test findings, mitigation and remediation tasks across multiple layers to enhance the communication between SureCloud (or an MSSP – a key channel partner for this technology) and its clients. It then delivers clear and comprehensive reports, along with automated alerts, providing detailed insight and intelligence regarding an organisation’s network and application security and resilience to cyber attacks.

An additional benefit of the SureCloud solution is that the Pen Test Management Module tightly integrates with the Vulnerability Management Module, allowing end-users to manage and prioritise vulnerabilities by risk, assign tickets and track the remediation process through to resolution.

“SureCloud is not just committed to simplifying security and compliance through real-time automated processes, but also to providing our customers with clear intuitive security controls and detailed intelligence in the form of dashboards and reports. This enables us to offer high-quality services that improve our customers’ resource efficiencies and reduce their compliance budget expenditure,” says Mike Wiltshire, Head of Services and Application Security.


About SureCloud

SureCloud supplies a Software-as-a-Service solution that enables mid-market organisations to greatly simplify and cost-effectively manage their IT Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (IT GRC) processes. Established in 2006, SureCloud is a British company based in Reading, Berks, with more than 200 customers throughout the UK including a large number of local authorities.