Third-party risk
management (TPRM)


Inspire trust and secure your organization’s business relationships

Establish confidence in your vendors and mitigate risks before they occur


Third-party relationships come with great opportunities – think reducing costs and access to specialist skills. However, third-party relationships also come with substantial risks if not managed correctly. It’s this delicate balance between managing the opportunity and risk associated with your vendors that makes robust TPRM so critical.


With SureCloud's Aurora TPRM software you can:

  • Check icon Centrally manage all your vendors, what services they offer and key contract information.
  • Check icon Automate the initial risk and tier assessment of your vendors, so you can identify your business-critical vendor relationships.
  • Check icon Conduct third party risk assessments to identify areas of risk (so you can ensure vendors meet your organization’s internal and regulatory requirements).
  • Check icon-1 Identify areas of risk and manage the risk remediation process to an acceptable level for your organization.
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What current TPRM challenges
are you facing?
Is your organization facing these challenges?

Aurora’s TPRM solution is for you if any of these challenges resonate:

  • Check icon-1 “Managing our processes manually with spreadsheets
is getting harder to manage as our third-party relationships grow.”
  • Check icon “Manual processes take too long and are getting costly.”
  • Check icon "It’s difficult to track vendors progress and to know if they are even completing the assessments."
  • "We’re struggling to generate real-time reports and analytics that offer insights into the overall risk position of our third-party relationships.”

Build your comprehensive TPRM program with Aurora

Reduce friction and ensure vendors complete assessments

A faster, simpler way to complete assessments – Aurora eliminates the need for multiple login IDs for third-party vendors and allows vendors to share assessments easily with the people who need to answer it.

At-a-glance visualizations of your third-party risk landscape
At-a-glance visualizations of your third-party risk landscape

Proactively manage risks with at-a-glance visualizations of your third-party risk landscape. Automatically identify areas of risk and non-conformities, triggering alerts and remediation activities.

Review in real-time with an enhanced, collaborative experience
Review in real-time with an enhanced, collaborative experience

Aurora facilitates real-time collaboration between multiple stakeholders and simple task assignments so you can be sure things don’t get missed. It also integrates into key operational tools such as MS teams and JIRA.

An agile and flexible GRC platform that caters to your needs
An agile and flexible GRC platform that caters to your needs

Aurora’s agile TPRM offering comes pre-configured and aligned to industry best practices. What’s more, it can be quickly tailored to your needs and adapted along the way – for GRC that adapts with you.

Boost user adoption and give your business users frictionless access –
Boost user adoption and give your business users frictionless access

Aurora’s intuitive platform is designed to reduce the time you spend on training and admin overhead, and prioritizes user experience.


What frameworks and standards does Aurora support?

Aurora supports a range of frameworks and standards to support TPRM, including:

Standardized Information
Gathering (SIG and SIG Lite)
Standardized Information
Gathering (SIG and SIG Lite)
Consensus Assessments
Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)
Consensus Assessments
Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)
ISO 27001 and 27002:2013
ISO 27001 and 27002:2013
NIST Cyber Security Framework 2018
NIST Cyber Security Framework 2018
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Ready to transform
uncertainty into knowledge?

Whether you’re ready to take a discovery call or just want to chat through your biggest information security challenges with an expert, we’d love to hear from you.

Want to learn more? Discover Aurora’s
TPRM solution.

Want to learn more? Discover Aurora’s
TPRM solution.